Suspected fractures
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Bone Anatomy in Dogs and Cats
Exploring Bone Differences
Comparing bone structures across species:
- Dogs: Approximately 319 bones
- Adult Cats: 230 bones
- Humans: 206 bones
While bone numbers vary, some fuse together as animals grow.
The Many Roles of Bones
Beyond structure and support, bones serve various functions:
- Element storage (e.g., phosphorus and calcium)
- Blood cell production
- Sound processing (e.g., in ears)
- pH regulation and more
Diverse Bones, Unique Functions
Understanding bone variety and flexibility:
- Dogs vary from toy breeds to Great Danes with different skull bone structures.
- Dog shoulder blades allow greater motion due to looser connections.
Bone Fractures: Causes and Risks
Factors contributing to bone fractures:
- Severe trauma (e.g., accidents, falls, or fights)
- Common fractures in legs
- Even minor incidents can cause fractures, especially in small breed dogs.
Diagnosing Fractures
How to identify and confirm fractures:
- X-rays at a vet's office are essential for diagnosis.
- If you suspect a fracture, seek professional evaluation promptly.
Symptoms of Fractures
Recognizing fracture signs:
- Pain and lameness (especially in long bones)
- Swelling and deformity
- Hidden signs may also be present.
Handling Suspected Fractures
Providing care and transport:
- Assess vital signs and look for other injuries or shock.
- Transport to a vet as soon as possible.
- For open fractures, clean and cover wounds before transport.
Ensure your pet's well-being during transport, using appropriate support structures and materials.
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