Advanced Pet First Aid Level 3 (VTQ)

140 videos, 6 hours and 58 minutes

Course Content

Puncture Wounds

Video 90 of 140
4 min 27 sec
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Puncture Wounds in Pets

Understanding Puncture Wounds

Common Causes: Dog Bites, Fights, and More

Puncture wounds can be deceptive, often caused by situations like dog fights or bites. It's important to assess and treat them effectively.

Assessing the Wound

  • Inspect the wound closely if your pet has been in a fight.
  • Keep yourself safe; consider using a muzzle or keeping your pet's head away during examination.
  • Part the hair to find any marks or injuries.

Treating Puncture Wounds

  • Minor punctures may not bleed significantly but need to be located and cleaned.
  • Larger wounds may require dressings.
  • Consider using blood-drawing powders or mild disinfectants as advised by your vet.
  • Inspect the wound regularly to check for signs of infection.

Dealing with More Severe Puncture Wounds

Signs of Serious Injury: Heavy Bleeding, Internal Damage

If your pet experiences a severe puncture wound, like a gunshot or knife wound, follow these steps:

Immediate Actions

  • Apply direct pressure on the wound to control bleeding.
  • Transport your pet to the vet as quickly as possible.

Chest Wounds

  • If the wound is on the chest and may have damaged the lung, lay your pet on the injured side.
  • Keep the wound open to allow trapped air to escape.

Embedded Objects

  • If there's an embedded object, like a knife or arrow, leave it in place.
  • Contact the vet for guidance on safely transporting your pet.

Always prioritize your pet's safety and seek immediate veterinary assistance for serious puncture wounds.