Advanced Pet First Aid Level 3 (VTQ)

138 videos, 6 hours and 49 minutes

Course Content

Keeping your pet safe in an emergency

Video 8 of 138
2 min 13 sec
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Keeping Your Pet Calm in an Emergency

Stay Calm and Reassure Your Pet

  • Importance of Calmness: Maintain composure to keep your pet at ease.
  • Speak Calmly: Talk quietly and soothingly to reassure your pet.
  • Gentle Comfort: Comfort your pet by stroking them gently.
  • Relocate if Needed: Move your pet away from stress to a secure environment.
  • Minimize Handling: Avoid unnecessary handling to reduce anxiety.
  • Caution with Movements: Don't attempt to turn them over abruptly.

Approaching an Injured Animal

Ensuring Safety and Calmness

  • Helping an Unknown Injured Animal: If you encounter an unfamiliar injured animal, consider lending assistance.
  • Preventing Startle: Approach slowly and avoid startling the animal, which may worsen its condition.
  • Scene Assessment: Take a moment to assess the surroundings for potential dangers.
  • Calm and Careful Approach: Approach the animal calmly, slowly, and with care.
  • Avoid Direct Eye Contact: If the animal appears agitated, refrain from direct eye contact.
  • Handling with Care: If necessary to restrain the animal, do so carefully to prevent harm.
  • Prioritize Safety: Ensure your safety and the animal's safety at all times.
  • Stay Vigilant: Maintain awareness of potential dangers in the vicinity.