Advanced Pet First Aid Level 3 (VTQ)

138 videos, 6 hours and 49 minutes

Course Content

High Temperatures and Heatstroke

Video 101 of 138
2 min 2 sec
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Managing Your Pet's Temperature

Understanding Your Pet's Temperature

Regulation and Risks

Pets, like humans, possess effective temperature regulation mechanisms. Dogs, for example, regulate their temperature primarily through panting.

Essential Hydration

Ensuring Adequate Water Intake

  • Always provide access to cool, fresh water.
  • Consider multiple water sources for homes with multiple pets.

Creating a Comfortable Environment

Optimal Conditions for Your Pet

Ensure your pet has access to a cool, well-ventilated environment to prevent overheating.

Medication Matters

Prescription and Caution

Only administer medication prescribed by your vet; avoid giving pets human medication.

Recognizing Heatstroke

Emergency Response

If you suspect heatstroke, seek immediate veterinary assistance for guidance on necessary actions.

Managing Elevated Temperature

Preventing Hypothermia

When cooling a hot pet without fever, be cautious not to induce hypothermia; monitor their temperature carefully.

Fever and Infections

Addressing Elevated Temperature

If your pet has a fever, consult your vet to determine the underlying cause before attempting cooling methods. Fever may indicate an infection or a more serious condition requiring specific treatment.

Remember, wetting down your pet without identifying the cause of elevated temperature can exacerbate the issue or cause discomfort.