Advanced Pet First Aid Level 3 (VTQ)

138 videos, 6 hours and 49 minutes

Course Content

Hydration and rehydration in dogs

Video 73 of 138
2 min 11 sec
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Understanding Dehydration in Dogs and Cats

The Impact of Dehydration

Exploring the effects of dehydration and the need for proactive management:

Human vs. Canine/Feline Dehydration

Comparing dehydration thresholds in people and pets:

  • In humans, cognitive impairment and fatigue can result from dehydration as low as 2%.
  • In dogs and cats, clinical exams alone may not detect dehydration up to 5%.

The Importance of Early Intervention

Highlighting the critical need for proactive management:

  • Ensure constant access to water for pets.
  • Fluid loss due to vomiting, diarrhoea, blood loss, or heat stroke can quickly lead to severe dehydration or shock.
  • Even healthy animals can experience increased fluid loss, e.g., from panting on hot days or during vigorous exercise.
  • Excessive panting for 15 minutes, especially in high temperatures, can rapidly cause significant dehydration.

Hot Environments and Critical Dehydration

Addressing the risks of hot environments and dehydration:

Animals left in hot cars face critical dehydration once body temperature reaches dangerous levels.

Reduced Feed Intake and Dehydration

Exploring how reduced food consumption can lead to reduced fluid intake:

  • Ill or unappetizing dogs may consume fewer fluids.
  • Meat-based wet diets, a primary source of daily fluids, can be affected.

Susceptibility Based on Age

Understanding age-related differences in thirst mechanisms:

Older and very young animals may not drink until severe dehydration occurs.