Advanced Pet First Aid Level 3 (VTQ)

140 videos, 6 hours and 58 minutes

Course Content

Dehydration in Dogs

Video 73 of 140
2 min 40 sec
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Understanding Dehydration in Pets

The Serious Nature of Dehydration

Exploring the severity of dehydration in pets and its potential causes:

  • Initial Mild Symptoms: Dehydration often starts mildly due to vomiting, diarrhoea, lethargy, and reduced fluid intake.
  • Underlying Health Issues: Conditions like liver disease and kidney disease can lead to inadequate water absorption and utilization.
  • Impact on Body: Dehydration can starve the body of fluids, causing discomfort and lethargy.

Recognizing Dehydration Signs

Identifying signs of dehydration in pets for early detection:

  • Skin Elasticity: Check for a skin tent - delayed skin retraction when lifted indicates dehydration.
  • Gum Appearance: Examine gums for dryness, stickiness, or tackiness as a possible dehydration indicator.
  • Knowing the Norm: Familiarity with your pet's normal condition helps spot abnormalities.

Addressing Dehydration

Steps to take when dealing with pet dehydration:

  • Encourage Fluid Intake: If your pet is still well, offer more water or add water to their food.
  • Consulting a Vet: Seek veterinary assistance promptly if your pet is off their food or worsening.
  • Veterinary Solutions: Vets may administer intravenous or subcutaneous fluids and supplement with electrolytes to correct dehydration.