Canine First Aid Level 2 (VTQ)

56 videos, 2 hours and 53 minutes

Course Content

Dressings, Bandages and Controlling Bleeding

Video 23 of 56
4 min 28 sec
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Managing Cuts and Dressing for Your Pet

Dealing with Serious Cuts

If your pet has a **serious cut**, follow these steps:

  • Apply a dressing to control bleeding.
  • Seek immediate veterinary care for professional treatment.

Caring for Minor Injuries

For **minor injuries**, keep these guidelines in mind:

  • Do not leave the dressing on for an extended period; typically, a day is sufficient.
  • Ensure the dressing is not too tight to avoid cutting off circulation.
  • Apply the dressing, starting from the furthest point of the wound.
  • Regularly check the temperature above and below the dressing and watch for signs of swelling.
  • If you're uncertain, always seek veterinary assistance.