Canine First Aid Level 2 (VTQ)

56 videos, 2 hours and 50 minutes

Course Content

Course introduction

Video 1 of 56
2 min 7 sec

Welcome to the Community AED Level One Course

Course Overview

Course Format: This course consists of videos, knowledge review questions, and a completion test.

Flexibility: You can pause and resume the course at your convenience, and access it on any device.

Video Playback: Pin the video to the top of your screen for simultaneous viewing of text and video.

Course Features

Text Support: Each page offers text support for the video content, with optional subtitles available.

Additional Help: Assistance is provided if you answer any questions incorrectly initially.

Completion Certificate: Upon passing the test, you can print your completion certificate and other downloads.

Resources: Access various resources and links from the course homepage to enhance your training.

Course Benefits

Updates: Regular updates ensure access to new materials and resources.

Extended Access: You have eight months to complete the course, with continued access after passing the test.

Company Solutions: Free company dashboards are available for workplace training needs.

Support: Receive comprehensive support throughout your training process.

Email Updates: Weekly emails keep your skills updated and inform you of new course content and blog posts.

We hope you have a fulfilling learning experience with ProTrainings. Best of luck!