
Collaclot™ for Pet Bleeds

If you are a pet owner or work in the pet care industry, you know how important it is to be prepared for emergencies. One of the most common emergencies that pet owners face is bleeding. Whether it’s a cut paw or a more serious injury, stopping the bleeding quickly and effectively is crucial for […]

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Haemocap and pets

Haemocap is a simple effective way of apply pressure to a wound.. For more details on Haemocap and to order contact us on 01206 809358.

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Shock in animals is very similar to people. What happens is, through illness or some trauma, there will be a sudden drop in blood volume. And what happens in those situations is, if the blood volume isn’t as it should be, then the cells in the organs of the body will not be getting the […]

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Circulatory system

Circulation system basics

Circulatory system is divided into three parts, the blood, the heart and the blood vessels. Blood is the transport medium by which nourishment and oxygen are carried to all the structures of the body and waste products and carbon dioxide are removed. Blood is composed of a number of cells suspended in a liquid medium […]

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Types of Bleed

Stopping a bleed with direct pressure

The initial and most effective way of stopping a bleeding is by direct pressure. This means applying pressure over the wound to stem the blood flow and allow clotting to take place. This can be done with your hand or with the use of a pressure first aid dressing.

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Types of Bleed

Types of bleed will depend on what blood vessel has been damaged. Different bleeds are more serious than others. There are three different types of external bleeding; : Arterial bleed Venous bleed Capillary bleed

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