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Dog Nervous System: Brain, Spinal Cord & Sensory Functions

The Brain and Spinal Cord: Controlling Movement and Sensation

A dog’s nervous system is the command centre of their body, coordinating everything from voluntary movements to involuntary reflexes. At the core of this system are the brain and spinal cord, which together form the central nervous system (CNS). This intricate network oversees countless processes, from walking and running to interpreting sensations and responding to the environment.

When a dog moves, the brain sends electrical signals down the spinal cord and through peripheral nerves, instructing specific muscles to contract or relax. Simultaneously, sensory nerves send feedback about the dog’s environment, helping them adjust their movements and respond to changes around them. This constant communication ensures that dogs can walk without tripping, leap gracefully, and react quickly if they sense danger.

How Dogs See, Hear, Smell, Taste, and Feel

Dogs rely on a combination of senses to explore and interact with the world. While humans often depend heavily on vision, dogs are more attuned to smells, sounds, and touch. Each sense plays a distinct role in how dogs perceive their surroundings.

Understanding Neurological Issues and Sensory Impairments

While the nervous system and senses function seamlessly in healthy dogs, certain conditions can disrupt this harmony. Recognising the signs of neurological or sensory problems can help owners seek timely medical care and maintain their dog’s quality of life.

By understanding the structure and function of the nervous system and senses and recognising potential problems early on, owners can provide better care and ensure their dogs maintain healthy and happy lives.

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